Spring Term Collective Worship
During the spring term, our focus is on the School Christian Values of perseverance and forgiveness. The pupils learn all about what the values mean and how they can demonstrate them in their lives.
A variety of stories are used, some from the Bible, some from children's books including fables to help illustrate the values in action.
Each class leads its own worship during this term, about their class value and shares their learning with the rest of the school and their parents and carers. They use a combination of role play, song and examples to illustrate the values in action.
In addition to the values, we cover Candlemas where pupils learn how Mary and Joseph visited the temple in Jerusalem with their infant Jesus. There they meet a wise man named Simeon and a prophetess named Anna. A group of Year 2 worship leaders plan and lead a Candlemas service for their peers as well as parents and carers.
The spring term also sees the celebration of the Easter Story and in collective worship, the different stages of the story are followed, culminating in the Easter Service at All Saints Church. This service is planned and led by another group of Year 2 Worship Leaders who enjoy the experience of retelling the story and the importance it holds for Christians.
Martin Luther King Day linking to our school vision, Fairtrade Fortnight, World Water Day, World Book Day, Safer Internet Day, Child Mental Health Week and the launch of Science Week are also visited. Pupils learn about the difference they can make and how this is linked to the UN Charter for the Rights of the Child Article 13('Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel').
The Jewish festival of Tu B'Shevat and the Lunar New Year are in focus too. Here pupils begin to understand the practices of the Jewish 'New Year for Trees' and the Reception children share the Dragon Dance they have learned as part of the Lunar New Year Collective Worship.