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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Our School

Welcome to Marlow Church of England Infant School
From the Headteacher, Mrs Sharon reynolds

I feel immensely privileged to be the Headteacher at Marlow Church of England Infant school, it is such a nurturing and supportive place for children to begin their school life. From their first steps through our doors to when they spread their wings to move on to their next stage in education, children are treated as individuals. Needs are identified and the learning and environment are tailored to meeting these needs.

Our school Christian vision is at the root of all we do and is the basis for our curriculum design and decision-making process,  

Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in our likeness” 

Genesis 1:26  

To all at Marlow Infants, this means that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity because we acknowledge their God given value and unique identity. Being created in God's image makes people precious and valuable and if you visit our school, I am sure that you will feel this when you witness interactions between adults and children alike.

Our teaching team are enthusiastic infant specialists and understand the importance of good, solid foundations for children's learning and these are certainly built at Marlow Church of England Infant School. The emphasis is on ensuring that the children feel secure, valuable, and that they have a voice. Once this is in place, we see the children flourish, progress in their learning and achieve highly. 

Children are encouraged to be inquisitive and confident enough to question the world around then. They readily embrace new challenges and learn about the importance of perseverance and resilience when tackling these challenges.  In designing the curriculum, we create exciting and enjoyable learning to inspire the children and ignite their curiosity.  Through all the different learning opportunities that are created, we place an emphasis on teaching the children about being good citizens of the planet and about their rights under the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child.


Inspire learning, ignite curiosity


Our parent body are fully involved in the life of the school. They support us in so many ways, from helping in school to raising much needed funds to supplement the school budget, to name just two. As an integral part of our school community, the staff team understand the importance of the role parents play in the education of their children and actively involve them. We are always thrilled to hear the positive words of support from our parents and value their contribution to what has become known as the 'Sandygate' family.

The best thing about our school:

 Source: Parent Survey 2024

Sandygate promises to be inclusive and to celebrate every child in their care; they do this wholeheartedly and will go ‘all out’ to meet the needs of every one of their children.

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  • Our last Ofsted inspection judged our school to be Good.
  • Our last SIAMs report judged our school as Good.
  • Click here to view our OFSTED report and Performance Table.