Design & Technology
At Marlow C of E Infant School, we encourage the children to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering the user, function and purpose. We encourage the children to be imaginative when producing designs and are keen to empower the children to be innovators and risk-takers.
We expose children to high-quality teaching and learning experiences to allow them to have the opportunity to explore design and technology in the world they live in. The tasks set are to create a product for a purpose or with a user in mind and developed by giving the children the opportunity to research previous products. Consistently using new knowledge gained to design, and experiment with different materials, mechanisms and structures. Once the design has been made children are told to evaluate the product against its original purpose, user and design.
Our Teaching team always ensure that all aspects of Design and Technology learning are accessible and designed for all abilities and needs. This allows everyone to participate and enjoy exploring their creativity. No two buildings are created the same as they are always the result of different people’s capabilities and imagination. We consider this when we are on local trips and one example of this is that the children take multiple trips to the church. When doing, so we prompt the children to pay close attention to the structure and design of the building. The staff encourage children to study the area around them and what designs they see every day.
Pupils are taught how to use appropriate tools safely when making various things. Design and Technology in our school give pupils the opportunity to make choices and explore areas of design that is meaningful to them, children naturally develop enthusiasm and enjoyment when the creative input is their own.
We aim to link Design and Technology in a cross-curricular way to ensure it is purposeful and develops a range of children’s skills from one task. Children are encouraged to use their mathematical knowledge to measure their product; develop an understanding of materials using their scientific knowledge; research other examples of a similar product in computing or look at decorative design in art.
Our children are encouraged to be reflective when evaluating their own work and the work of others in a thoughtful and purposeful way. In our school, we encourage the children to develop their cognitive processes by thinking through problems and finding solutions and reflecting on a result. We teach the children to be respectful of the products that have been made as lots of research, thought, time design and making have been done by the inventor when producing this final product.
We are dedicated to building the knowledge and skills required to be imaginative and innovative designers.
We aim to ensure consistency of high-quality teaching and learning of Design & Technology throughout the school. Design & Technology encompasses the investigation, designing, making and evaluation of products. It focuses on the communicating of ideas, through drawing and modelling and working with materials and mechanisms, in order to learn and practise particular skills and develop knowledge and understanding through opportunities and experiences. The curriculum enables pupils to take part in a broad range of practical activities directly concerned with:
- Identifying needs
- Generating ideas
- Planning and designing
- Making and testing
- Evaluating
During the Early Years Foundation Stage, the essential building blocks of children’s Design & Technology capability are established. There are many opportunities for carrying out D&T-related activities across all areas of learning. By the end of the Reception year most children should be able to:
- Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques,
- Experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function;
- Share their creations, explaining the process they have used;
In Years 1 & 2, Design & Technology lessons teachers ensure that the children apply their knowledge and understanding when developing ideas, planning and making products, and then evaluating them. This is done through a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual or group activities. Within lessons, children are given the opportunity both to work on their own and to collaborate with others, listening to other children’s ideas and treating these with respect. Children critically evaluate existing products, their own work and that of others. They have the opportunity to use a wide range of materials and resources, including IT.
The impact of our creative design and technology curriculum that we:
- Develop imaginative thinking in children and enable them to talk about what they like and dislike when designing and making.
- Enable children to talk about how things work, and to draw and model their ideas.
- Encourage children to select appropriate tools and techniques for making a product, whilst following safe procedures.
- Support children to understand technological processes, products, their manufacture, and their contribution to our society.
- Foster enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose in designing and making.