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Marlow Church of England Infant School


We do operate a uniform policy and all children are expected to wear the correct uniform every day. Please remember that children are identifiable by their uniform and that behaviour outside school in uniform should be as expected in school.

School Uniform

  • Grey shorts/trousers/skirt/pinafore
  • White polo shirt
  • Red & white checked dress/playsuit
  • Red school sweatshirt/cardigan with logo
  • Red school sunhat with logo (to be left in school)
  • Red book-bag with logo
  • Black school shoes/closed toe sandals. No boots (see below)
  • Plain grey/black/white socks or grey/red tights

Optional Item: Red zip fleece with logo (for outdoor wear only)

PE Kit

  • Red t-shirt with logo
  • Black shorts/tracksuit/leggings/skort
  • Black plimsolls/ black or white trainers

Optional Item: Red hoody with logo

Please do not send your children in with a long sleeved t-shirt/skins underneath their t-shirt or leggings/skins underneath their shorts/skorts.

All items of logo school uniform (sweatshirt/cardigan, sunhat, bag, fleece, PE t-shirt & PE hoody) are available from our school uniform supplier, Different Class, and can be ordered online from them for delivery to home or to school. All other items of uniform can be bought at any high street shop.

Our PFA (Parents & Friends Association) operate a 'pre-loved' uniform shop and always have a large stock of items, both badged and unbadged. They hold regular sales throughout the school term at the end of the school day or, if you are in need of a specific item, you can email them at



Outdoor Learning Kit

On the day your child has Outdoor Learning they will need to bring in their black waterproof trousers and outdoor clothing appropriate to the current weather. Their wellington boots/walking boots should already be in school for your child to use.

Uniform Policy

  • Boots are not part of school uniform. In cold weather it is fine for children to wear boots to walk to school, but they should change into school shoes once they arrive.
  • No jewellery is to be worn, including earrings of any description. It is a safety hazard and the loss of such items can also be very distressing.
  • We discourage the wearing of watches unless your child can tell the time, and then they should be discrete in style.
  • PE kits should be brought into school in a named bag at the start of each half-term and remain in school. They will be sent home at the end of each half-term for washing.
  • Every child in school will need a school sunhat for their use during their time at school. Sunhats should be named and sent into school at the beginning of the year to remain in school at all times, this means that parents do not need to remember to send in sunhats on a daily basis.